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North-West Interceptor Sewer

Project Details

Location: Winnipeg, MB.
Client: City of Winnipeg, Water and Waste Department
Completed: 2017

Project Description

The work covered the;
  • Construction of 1.6km of 1350mm diameter interceptor (wastewater) sewer by trenchless construction methods
  • Downstream connection to an existing 1650 wastewater sewer

Key Challenges and Solutions

The major challenges of this project were;
  • Working in traffic, working under 66kv hydro lines and crossing and working around other underground utilities
  • Dealing with unforeseen cobbles, boulders and till during tunneling
  • Trying to adhere to the project schedule given the frequency of obstructions
The solutions to the above problems;
  • Working with the various agencies to utility owners to protect or move conflicting utilities
  • Assisting the owner in obtaining additional geotechnical data and evaluating construction methods and impacts
  • Adding crews and equipment to make up lost time